Vertical turner

A vertical lathe is a machining specialist who operates vertical lathes. A vertical lathe differs from a traditional flatbed lathe in that the workpiece rotates around a vertical axis instead of a horizontal one. This is especially useful for machining large, cylindrical details that are not suitable for machining on traditional lathes.

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Types of turning work:

Vertical lathe and its role in industry

In industry, vertical lathes produce various types of elements. Usually these are shafts, sleeves, cylinders or other large-sized and cylindrical details. They can also produce irregularly shaped elements that require processing from different sides.

Elements produced by vertical turners can be used in many industries. For example, the automotive industry (e.g. crankshafts, bushings), the energy industry (e.g. turbine elements), or in the production of machines (e.g. machine tool elements). These are often large, heavy details that require precise processing.

Differences between components produced by a vertical lathe and a universal lathe may result mainly from the size and shape of the details. A vertical turner specializes in machining large, cylindrical elements. While a general purpose lathe can perform a variety of work on smaller workpieces of various shapes and sizes.

Differences – universal lathe

A vertical lathe may use similar tools to a universal lathe. However, it may be necessary to use larger and more durable tools due to the processing of larger workpieces. The skills of a vertical turner are most needed where there is a need to produce large, cylindrical components. Typically such as those used in the automotive, energy or machinery industries. Ultimately, their work contributes to the production of key parts and components used in various industries.

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